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Jerel Dye

Jerel Dye is a cartoonist, illustrator, and artist living and working in the Boston area. He has been creating art and comics since 2005 and has produced several self-published mini comics and has created comics stories for anthologies like Inbound, Minimum Paige, Hellbound, and the award winning Little Nemo/Winsor McCay tribute Dream Another Dream. In 2012, he received the MICE comics grant for his mini-comic From the Clouds. His first graphic novel Pigs Might Fly was released in 2017, by First Second books. Much of his art stems from a deep interest in science and technology though frequently contains a healthy dose of wonder. Jerel Dye received his BFA from Umass Dartmouth in Painting, and his MFA at MassArt in the Studio for Interrelated media. Jerel is also a freelance designer and teaches courses in drawing, cartooning and comics in Massachusetts.
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