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Krystyna Miłobędzka

Krystyna Miłobędzka was born in Margonin, Poland, in 1932. She has written plays for children, collected in Siała baba mak (A Pocket Full of Posies, 1995). As a scholar of children’s theatre she has published the monograph Teatr Jana Dormana (Jan Dorman’s Theatre, 1990) and the volume of essays W widnokręgu Odmieńca (In the Misfit’s Circumference, 2008). She is the author of thirteen books of poetry: Anaglify (Anaglyphs, 1960), Pokrewne (Of Kin, 1970), Dom, pokarmy (Home, Foods, 1975), Wykaz treści (List of Contents, 1984), Pamiętam (zapisy stanu wojennego) (I Remember: Writings under Martial Law, 1992), Przed wierszem. Zapisy dawne i nowe (Before the Poem: Writings Old and New, 1994), Imiesłowy (Participles, 2000), Wszystkowiersze (Omnipoems, 2000), Przesuwanka (Shifting Rhyme, 2003), Po krzyku (After a Shout, 2004), gubione (one by one lost, 2008), dwanaście wierszy w kolorze (twelve poems in colour, 2012) and Spis z natury (Written from Nature, 2019). Her collected Zbi­erane. 1960-2005 (Gathered: 1960-2005) appeared in 2006, and zbierane, gubione (gathered, lost) in 2010. Recipient of numerous awards, she was nominated for the NIKE Prize in 2006 and won the Silesius Award in 2009. In 2013 she was awarded the Silesius for Lifetime Achievement. She lives in Puszczykowo near Poznań.
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