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abroad (í útlöndum)


I miss


you do not look at me

do not come to me

never call me

barely talk to me

oh to be home now

to experience all this rejection

first hand


ég sakna þess


þú horfir ekki á mig

kemur ekki til mín

hringir aldrei í mig

yrðir varla á mig

sú sem gæti verið heima núna

til að upplifa alla þessa höfnun

frá fyrstu hendi



 Sola Bjarnadóttir-O’Connell is a native Icelander who has lived in New York for the past 30 years.  She is pursuing a life-long interest in bringing contemporary poetry and literature to an English-speaking audience and is currently working on translating a collection of Flash fiction to be published in Iceland.  Sola is recipient of the 2013 Leif and Ingrid Sjöberg Translation Award conferred by the American Scandinavian Foundation.  She divides her time between New York City and Reykjavik.

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