Lee Hope

Editor’s Note

If you haven’t heard, Solsiticelitmag received two citations for Notable Essays in The Best American Essays 2015.  Jabari Asim and Mary Collins were chosen.  Congratulations!

In this issue, we wish to honor the twentieth anniversary reissue of Richard Hoffman’s iconic, prescient memoir Half the House (New Rivers Press), a profound look into childhood abuse that has influenced many victims to come forward and take action.  A must read!  Also, please go to our Blog in this issue for a provocative, relevant interview with Richard.

We also are honoring Lou Jones, internationally known photographer, by featuring selections from his powerful new series, panAFRICAproject, which includes our cover photograph.  Check out his artist’s statement in photography.

And as fiction editor, I offer thanks to our talented cast of diverse writers, a testament to co-existence in this time of division.  From Donna Gordon’s literary horror story; to Tom Whalen’s postmodern take on a German language school; to Sarah Colwill-Brown’s tale of sexual exploitation; to William Petersen’s lyrical story of a jazz musician; to Brett Riley’s story of a disgraced vet; to two vastly different novel excerptsKim McLarin’s set back in the tumultuous life of a freed slave, and Alan Davis’s life of a marginal dreamer starting in the 60s.

These talented authors will enrich us, derail us, challenge us.  So delve into our current issue, read on!


ANNOUNCEMENTS:  A warm welcome to our new managing editor, Carissa Halston, an editor herself of  apt, an online journal, and Aforementioned Productions.  Please check out her amazing bio on the Contributors’ page.

Also, we will have a booth at AWP, again shared with the fab journal, Talking Writing.  Also, we’re co-hosting an offsite reception on April 1st, from 5-7 p.m. at the O Hotel in LA with Talking Writing, Juked and the Santa Monica Review!  More info and invites to come!

And in these troubled times, we renew our outreach to writers of diversity.

Join us.  Subscribe.  Donate.  Lee Hope, editor in chief




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